Monday, August 22, 2011

Made It To Israel... Eilat First Stop!


Eilat, Israel

2033 (local time)

Well I finally made it to Eilat, Israel, and I’m not going to lie, the locals are fairly tense, and honestly I don’t blame them. From all the locals that I have spoken to always bring the conversation to being about Palestine and Egypt.

This is all  due to the recent attacks that have occurred just outside of Eilat. (source:
I don’t want to go into any detail about what actually occurred, so I have posted a link (see above) that gives you an in depth sight of what happened.

Anyway, my trip. I left Dahab on the 19th of August and caught a bus at 10.30, it was just over a 2 hour bus ride until we made it too the Taba border. I knew that I had overstayed my visa, but I thought with some chat I might be able to worm my way out of the 150 Egyptian Pound fine (30AUD). Unfortunately I couldn’t so I had the pay. No dramas!

The thing that had me slightly worried was trying to getting into Israel because I had some stamps on my passport that are well known enemies of Israel, those countries being Syria and Lebanon which I visited in 2009.

So when I got to customs where they stamp your passport, I was told by the lady at the desk that ‘she had to speak to her manager’. I remained polite and just did as they say.

So after a good 1.5 hours a lady called me into her office where I had to answer a whole bunch of questions such as:

Lady: “What is your father and grandfather’s name?”

Lady: “Tell me where you have travelled, and for how long?”

Lady: “Do you remain in contact with anyone from Syria or Lebanon?”

After I answer all these questions, she wanted to know what I was doing in Israel, and do I know anyone. Fortunately I do, I have a very good family friend that lives in Jerusalem.

After another 30 or so minutes, my passport was handed to me, with an Israeli stamp. Great, I had made it!
I was picked up by a older guy from the UK that gave me a lift into town, which was awesome, I checked into a hostel, and instantly met a German guy called Chris who I hung out with for the rest of his time in Eilat.

We had dinner on the beach, and then consumed beers and went out to a club for a bit of a party to experience the Eilat lifestyle. It was a good night, but the both of us had sore heads for the next day.
So the next day, we slept on a sun lounge being woken up every 30 minutes by a guys that want us to pay for using their sun lounges. Obviously we didn’t pay, because no one owns a beach in my mind!

We had some lunch, and I said Good bye to Chris, I decided to meet up with an Israeli friend of mine Yarden Meir who windsurfs in the Professional Windsurf Tour. I met him at his local beach where I spent the remainder of the afternoon just watching the dozens of windsurfers and chatting to all of Yarden’s mates. They were absolute legends!

It was getting late, and I didn’t want to miss the last bus back to the main city centre, so I caught it back to the Hostel and now I’m waiting for time to pass by, so I can get a famous Schawarma can’t wait!

Chat soon! And enjoy the photos! More updates coming…

First night in Israel, Eilat.

The local beer and beer! Perfect

Putting our feet up...

Check out that for a view... Note Jordan in the background.

Jordanian Flag

Nice Views

Massive Hilton Hotel.

The party area!

Now down at Reef Raf Beach! Yardin's home beach.

The local attitude... chilled out!

Locals dragging gear across the rocks

The guys on the RS:X (yellow sails) are training for the Olympics. (One of them is 3rd in the world)

Locals ripping...

All the guys on the water.

Hope you Enjoyed the Photos! Next update soon!

Much love xx

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