Thursday, August 23, 2012

Water Ramps, Golf and Burnt Ribs - Vienna!

--continued from the post from prague--

1637 (localtime)
Prague, Czech Republic
Vienna, Austria
Written on a bus from Vienna to Bratislava - listening to Deep Purple \m/

It was my day to leave Prague, so it was a slow start, I had booked my ticket for this day (25th of July) to head back to Vienna, to join the boys on that super awesome water ramp that I spoke about in my last post.
I got back pretty late to Vienna, so I crashed at Mitch’s place. The next day I spent just cruising around the city, it was really nice. I found a nice little park that overlooks a beautiful gothic cathedral, I may have had a 15 minute power nap with the sun on my face.

That night, I introduced Mitch to Absinthe. Unfortunately neither of us remember the night, but we have sworn never to drink that ever again. The Absinthe fairy disallowed us to function at 100% for the next day.
But being elite athletes like we are, we forced our bodies outside and we met Rusty and Bernie at the WATER RAMP!

We got in some super old sketchy wetsuits, grabbed our sled, and sent ourselves full power down this water ramp! It was SO FUN!

I loved it, please check out the photos!

How Sick Are These Wetsuits!
from left to right - Me, Rusty, Mitch, Bernie

The Water Ramp - FULL POWER

Send it rusty!

Voll Geil


a concentrating steve...

Head First!

Steve going for a backkie!

After all of our bodies were completely broken, we bought some Ribs meat, potatoes and profiteroles – oh and I cant forget some great coats. Whilst the meat was cooking we engaged in some extreme backyard golf.

Check the photos!

The Awesome 5-some

Tom going at it "FOUR"

Providing encouragement!

Mitch assessing the situation!

mmm hmm!


First Place!

Unfortunately the golf got a little bit too extreme, and we kinda forgot about the ribs, and we ended up burning them. Didn’t matter with enough sauce we ate them anyway.

We kept the night relatively early, as we pretty much called it a night after the London 2012 Opening Ceremony! I thought it was completely crazy, and was nothing like any opening ceremony I’d ever seen. But it looked like a great party, and everyone was having a good time.

The next day was spent taking it easy in Mitch’s flat, I was planning my trip whilst watching the Olympics, it was a nice day, and that night was spent at Tom and Eva’s place eating lovely homemade pizza’s and I was cheering on the girls who won the 4x100 Individual Medley! It was an awesome evening!

And that, finally bring us to today where im sitting on this metal tube with wheels as I watch this massive storm rolling through, with lightening and rain… feels kinda dangerous!

Next up

Bratislava and Slovakia – A country that I know absolutely nothing about! Cant Wait!

Take care!

PS: Massive thanks to Mitch and the boys for looking after me! You are absolute legends! Thanks again!

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